Programming, Linux and Anything

Hi,I'm Yadi Rosadi

Full-time Operation & part-time software developer. I do what im Interest for fun and profit

Install & Setting up Elixir Environment


Programming languages regularly release new versions. As a developer, I need to try that version without breaking our existing application in our local environment. The solution is using the version manager tool. version manager helps developers switch between versions easily, several languages have version managers (like SDKman for Java, NVM for Node.js, or Rbenv/RVM for Ruby, etc).

Too many tools in our local environment is another obstacle. in my case, I need one tool that can be handling multiple programming languages in multiple versions. so my choice is ASDF.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install specific versions of Erlang/OTP and Elixir and use the ASDF as version manager.

Install asdf

asdf is a version manager tool that supports various programming languages including Ruby, Node.js, Erlang, Elixir and more. Before install asdf you need to install the curl and git utilities as prerequisites.

$ brew install coreutils curl git  # on macOS with Homebrew
$ sudo apt install curl git        # on Linux

After the prerequisites installed, now ready to install the ASDF:

$ git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git ~/.asdf

Depending on your OS, in this guide I use OSX. if you are using OSX, open ~/.bash_profile and put this path. If you are on linux, put on ~/.bashrc

. $HOME/.asdf/asdf.sh
. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash

Run following command to make sure, It has already install properly

$ asdf -v


version: 0.1

  asdf plugin-add <name> <git-url>     Add git repo as plugin
  asdf plugin-list                     List installed plugins
  asdf plugin-remove <name>            Remove plugin and package versions
  asdf plugin-update <name>            Update plugin
  asdf plugin-update --all             Update all plugins

  asdf install <name> <version>        Install a specific version of a package or,
                                       with no arguments, install all the package
                                       versions listed in the .tool-versions file
  asdf uninstall <name> <version>      Remove a specific version of a package
  asdf which <name>                    Display version set or being used for package
  asdf where <name> <version>          Display install path for an installed version
  asdf local [name]                    Display a package local version
  asdf local <name> <version>          Set the package local version
  asdf global [name]                   Display a package global version
  asdf global <name> <version>         Set the package global version
  asdf list <name>                     List installed versions of a package
  asdf list-all <name>                 List all versions of a package

  asdf reshim <name> <version>         Recreate shims for version of a package

"Late but latest"
-- Rajinikanth

Install Erlang & Elixir

To install Erlang & Elixir. First think first is to get plugin for erlang & elixir. Copy & paste following command on your terminal

$ asdf plugin add erlang
$ asdf plugin add elixir

Make sure plugin that has added in the list

$ asdf plugin-list



To see Elixir versions which are available

$ asdf plugin-update elixir
$ asdf list-all elixir 

Manage Version for Elixir

If plugin already added in the list, now you can install it. use this format asdf install <name> <version

in this case, I use 1.2.4 version of elixir

$ asdf install elixir 1.2.4

Set Current Version

To set current version, you can set as local or global

asdf global <name> <version>
asdf local <name> <version>

In this case I set it on global

$ asdf global elixir 1.2.4

global writes the version to $HOME/.tool-versions.

local writes the version to $PWD/.tool-versions, creating it if needed.

You can check to make sure it has work properly. If no problem, the result as seen below

elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Elixir 1.2.4