Programming, Linux and Anything

Hi,I'm Yadi Rosadi

Full-time Operation & part-time software developer. I do what im Interest for fun and profit

Up and Running a Ruby on Rails App with Docker on Centos 7

Docker Compose is a amazing tool for manage and running multi-container docker applications. it’s allow you to easily encapsulated your ruby on rails environment including database inside container. This tutorial will guide you through how to up and running a Ruby on Rails application with a Postgres inside a container.

In this tutorial i’m using docker version version 18.06.0-ce and docker-compose version version 1.22.0. You should have basic knowledge about it before continuing to the next step.

Getting Started

Create new project folder and cd into it. We will create new rails project with rails new, before running it, we need to create Dockerfile first

$ mkdir -p ~/Workspace/rails-docker
$ cd ~/Workspace/rails-docker
$ vi Dockerfile

and define basic environment in it.

FROM ruby:2.5-alpine

RUN apk update && apk add build-base postgresql-dev

RUN mkdir /app

COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
RUN bundle install --binstubs

COPY . .

CMD puma -C config/puma.rb